๐จโ๐ Software Developer @Asmaka Venture | DevOps | open source
In SQL, dealing with NULL value is a common task especially when querying large datasets with missing or incomplete data. Generally, we use CASE...
Load balancing is a crucial component of system design, especially for ensuring that applications can handle high traffic and remain available and...
What is scaling? In system Design terms, scaling is the process of increasing the system's performance and resources to handle more traffic or load...
Simple steps to protect your app with Spring Security and JSON Web Token (JWT) without third party library. ยท If you do a quick search on how to secure...
Understanding and Implementing System Proccesses ยท Introduction ProcessBuilder is a class in Java that enables developers to start and manage operating...
Understanding the Different Types of DBMS Keys ยท what is key in DBMS? A Key is a field or set of fields used to uniquely identify any record or row of...